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This site includes presentations of astronomical databases maintained at
Sternberg Astronomical Institite, Moscow University.
Mary's University - Department of Astronomy and Physics
( SMU )
Petersburg University Astronomical Institute
astrophysics, stellar dynamics, celestial mechanics, and astrometry.
( Montréal )
Astronomy Society
( SAS )
amateur astronomy group which holds weekly lectures/meetings and is developing
this resource with two primary aims of improving communications between amateur
and professional astronomers and nurturing an interest in astronomy amongst the
local community.
( Astronomy Pages )
is a site for those interested in Astronomy, Amateur Radio, Computing and Space.
Of particular interest to astronomers are the sky charts, monthly notes,
satellite ephemerides, software, and related links.
Salop is the ancient Roman name for the county of Shropshire, in England, where
this site is based.
SALZER, John J. ( Wesleyan Univ. )
San Antonio Astronomical Association ( SAAA )
its founding in 1974, the San Antonio Astronomical Association of San Antonio,
Texas, has become one of the largest non-profit amateur astronomical
organizations in the United States. Our 250+ members come from every walk of
life, from elementary school students, to retirees, to teachers, to professional
astronomers. For nearly a quarter century the SAAA has provided free educational
programs for its members and the public.
Diego Astronomy Association
( SDAA )
astronomers of San Diego, CA and surrounding areas meet 730PM Third Fridays at
the R.H. Fleet Space Theater and Science Center, Balboa Park.
Lectures, public star parties, telescope making. Professionally equipped
observatory at large remote desert site.
Diego State University - Astronomy Department
( SDSU )
San Diego Supercomputer Center ( SDSC )
Francisco State University - Department of Physics and Astronomy
( SFSU )
activities include search for extrasolar planets.
Jose Astronomical Association
( SJAA )
amateur astronomy club in San Jose, California, USA.
Two-color Survey of the Galactic Plane
The examination of the Sandage two-color photographic survey of the galactic
plane taken in support of the Uhuru X-ray satellite project (1969-1972) is a
continuing project headed by Howard Lanning (CSC/STScI). Several hundred faint
UV sources including many old novae, white dwarfs, cv's, Be shell stars, etc.
have been identified and presented in the literature and posted on the WWW. The
survey comprises over 100 Palomar (48-in.) Oschin Schmidt plates extending to a
limiting B magnitude of ~20.
Santiago de Compostela -
Astronomical Observatory Ramón María Aller
( AO RMA )
(Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory)
( FTP )
Paulo - Department of Astronomy - Instituto Astronomico e Geofisico Universidade
de Sao Paulo
SAO Telescope Data Center ( RVSAO, RGSC, SKYMAP Software )
software packages: RVSAO,
an IRAF package for finding radial velocities from spectra; RGSC
a program for searching the Hubble Space Telescope Guide Star Catalog; SKYMAP
a program for mapping star catalogs onto the sky; STAR
a program for searching star catalogs
Image Display Utility
( SAOimage )
(pronounced S-A-0-image) is a utility for displaying astronomical images which
runs under the X11 window environment. It was written by Mike Van Hilst at the
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in 1990 and is now maintained by Doug
Mink. Image files can be read directly, or image data may be passed through a
named pipe (Unix) or a mailbox (VMS) from IRAF display tasks. SAOimage provides
a large selection of options for zooming, panning, scaling, coloring, pixel
readback, display blinking, and region specification. User interactions are
generally performed with the mouse.
Craig L.
( U. Virginia )
William C.
( U. Virginia )
for Measurement of cosmological Background Anisotropies
will use bolometers to survey the sky in the 0.3-6mm wavelength range. The
project has been selected by ESA for a merging with the COBRAS proposal, which
gives the COBRAS/SAMBA mission, now named PLANCK.
Tracker freeware with interface to Meade LX200 Telescope
Satellite Tracker is free Windows software for astronomers which calculates the
position of over 1800 satellites. An interface to a Meade LX200 telescope allows
automatic tracking and viewing.
Ring Plane Crossings of 1995-1996
( JPL )
1995 and 1996, the rings of Saturn were seen edge-on from the Earth's
perspective on three ocassions, and from the Sun's perspective once. This is a
rare event that only occurs every 15 years. The triple ring plane crossings are
particularly favorable in providing astronomers a unique opportunity to observe
Saturn's rings and moons.
( ATNF )
SCARPA, Riccardo ( STScI )
the results of the Hubble Space Telescope survey of BL Lacertae objects, as well
as some information on basic astronomy and physical constants.
( Amateur High Speed Stellar Photometry )
Observatory is dedicated to high speed stellar photometry and optical SETI. The
site describes the observatory, computer controlled telescope. photomultiplier
tube detector, amplifiers, filters, data acquisition and FFT analysis.
galaxy clusters and cosmology, Large Scale Structure, Gamma-ray bursts and
F. Peter
( UMass )
telescope at Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur
The Telescope is located at the "Observatoire de Calern", above the
city of Grasse.
Equipped with a 2K CCD camera, it is mainly used for the OCA-DLR Asteroid Survey
program. It is also used for geostationnaary Space Debris detection and GRB
optical counterparts follow ups.
( Penn State Univ. )
( Paris )
( UMass )
The web page of astronomer, author, and science humorist Eric Schulman, author
of A
Briefer History of Time
and a member of the editorial board of the Annals
of Improbable Research.
The Swabian Observatory was founded in 1919. It is a non-profit-making
organisation. Since January 8th 1922 we operate an observatory located on a hill
in Stuttgart. The focal point of our astronomical work is the observation of
occultations of stars by the moon, the planets and their satellites, asteroids
and also mutual events. We measure the occultation timings with video and
photoelectric equipment up to 10.5 mag with an accuracy of +/-0.01s and up to
13.5 mag with an accuracy of +/-0.1s. We send our results to IOTA, EAON, BAA and
ILOC. Sometimes we make an excursion to observe grazing events with our
transportable telescopes, for example a Meade 2080HTC. Another main emphasis is
the observation of variable stars, mainly Mira type stars. Normally we measure
stars up to 15mag. At the moment we are beginning to observe variable stars with
the CCD camera ST-6. We send our results to AAVSO, AFOEV and BAV. [in German]
Frequently Asked Questions
( FAQ )
is a newsgroup devoted to the discussion of the science of astronomy. As such
its content ranges from the Earth to the farthest reaches of the Universe.
However, certain questions tend to appear fairly regularly. This document
attempts to summarize answers to these questions.
Amateur astronomy equipment, techniques, info, etc.
( an unmoderated newsgroup )
provides a forum for the discussion of all topics concerning the FITS [Flexible
Image Transport System] data format. It is interfaced to the Email exploder
fitsbits@fits.cv.nrao.edu (send requests to fitsbits-request@nrao.edu) so that
traffic originating on either the newsgroup on the exploder is automatically
transmitted to the other. This newsgroup replaced newsgroup alt.sci.astro.fits
in March 1992.
( a moderated newsgroup concerned with the Hubble Space Telescope )
newsgroup is intended to complement the substantial efforts of the Space
Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, where support of the many users of the
facility originates. The group will serve as a platform for problems, requests,
suggestions and needs of the scientific community as they use the Telescope to
further their research. Accordingly input from the Institute to the discussions
will be vital, and several members of that facility have indicated their
interest and willingness to participate fully.
There is an Archive
for the newsgroup.
This archive is intended for materials pertinent to the discussions in the
newsgroup sci.astro.hubble, part of the USENET news structure. Valid items for
placement here are large datasets, public domain software (in compressed tarfile
form), imagery (GIF preferred) and Postscript renderings of relevant papers on
the topic of data processing in connection with Space Telescope. - README
The archive contains a form which executes WAIS
searches on the
( a moderated newsgroup related to astrophysics research )
is a moderated newsgroup created specifically for research related topics in
astronomy & astrophysics. The submission address is
astres@pecos.msfc.nasa.gov, and the information address is
astres-request@pecos.msfc.nasa.gov. An anonymous ftp archive in [net.pub.astres]
at ssl.msfc.nasa.gov . The SAR archive now has a Web
page .
( an unmoderated Usenet newsgroup )
discussing the modeling, storage, and retrieval of scientific data. The purpose
of the newsgroup is to facilitate discussing use of scientific data formats such
as HDF, netCDF, FITS, and various others. Topics of discussion could include
problems encountered using specific formats, questions about where to get the
code for data format programs, discussions of specific uses of data format
programs, etc. Readers of the group are typically scientists (and software
developers) who use data formats/models such as HDF, netCDF, and other such
SciAstro -- General Astronomy
SciAstro is a network of amateur astronomers who wish to share their love of
astronomy with others. This is done through an Undernet IRC Chat Channel devoted
to discussion of astronomy.
Master - Space and Astronomy Pages
ScienceMaster's Space and Astronomy Home Page is a portal for space science and
education resources.
The conference on Science with the Next Generation Space Telescope (NGST) will
provide a forum for astronomers to discuss scientific goals and key problems
that this proposed observatory would address. NASA is currently studying several
concepts for the NGST, conceived as a successor to the Hubble Space Telescope.
The NGST will be a large (>4m), passively cooled, IR optimized (1 to 5-20
microns) imaging and spectroscopic instrument placed in far Earth orbit. The
unmatched aperture size will make this instrument uniquely suited for
investigating many astronomical phenomena in the early universe.
( magazine )
the global weekly of research, is published by the American Association for the
Advancement of Science.
The Science Directorate at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center sponsors this web
database of New Scientist
The New Scientist Planet Science recruitment database offers a comprehensive
listing of current scientific, technological and academic vacancies available on
the Web.
A comprehensive astronomy package for Mathematica.
Resource for science data collections, standards, formats, and tools with online
catalog for free and commercial downloadable software, specializing in HDF and
other formats.
Astronomical Research
( STAR Research Telescopes )
and manufacture specialized and general purpose telescopes and instrumentation
for research and education.
( ASU )
Formation, Star Formation propagation, Ionization Structure, HII Regions,
Galactic Structure, Emission Lines, Hubble Space Telescope, WFPC-2.
Science Archive
Sloan Digital Sky Survey is a project to survey a 10000 square degree area on
the Northern sky over a 5 year period. A dedicated 2.5m telescope is specially
designed to take wide field (3x3 degree) images using a 5x6 mosaic of 2048x2048
CCD's, in five wavelength bands, operating in scanning mode. The total raw data
will exceed 40 TB. A processed subset, of about 1 TB in size, will consist of 1
million spectra, positions and image parameters for over 100 million objects,
plus a mini-image centered on each object in every color. The data will be made
available to the public after the completion of the survey.
( NOAO )
- Astronomical Anonymous FTP Sites
( SEDS: Astro-FTP list )
is a concise description of anonymous-ftp file servers containing astronomy and
space research related material. It includes only those servers where there are
special subdirectories for astro stuff or much material included into a general
directories. For sites with multiple directories of interest, the list points
towards a common top-level directory. (NOTE: until August 1994, this list of
servers was maintained in Finland.)
- Internet Space Archive
( LPL/Arizona )
index of astronomy, space, and aerospace web pages.
John H.
( Aristotle Univ. Thessaloniki )
astronomy book and software reviews
These files are updated quarterly. They contains citations for reviews in the
main astronomy journals and magazines, of books closely related to astronomy and
( Warsaw University Obs. )
The UC Berkeley SETI Program, SERENDIP (Search for Extraterrestrial Radio
Emissions from Nearby Developed Intelligent Populations) is an ongoing
scientific research effort aimed at detecting radio signals from
extraterrestrial civilizations. The project is the world's only "
piggyback" SETI system, operating alongside simultaneously conducted
conventional radio astronomy observations. SERENDIP is currently piggybacking on
the 1,000-foot dish at Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, the largest radio
telescope in the world.
[in French]
of Identifications, Measurements, and Bibliography for Astronomical Data
SIMBAD astronomical database, created and maintained by CDS, Strasbourg, brings
together basic data, cross-identifications, observational measurements, and
bibliography, for celestial objects outside the solar system: stars, galaxies,
and nonstellar objects within our galaxy, or in external galaxies. SIMBAD
contains information for about 3 million objects, for which 8 million
identifiers, 3 million observational measurements and 3 million bibliographical
references are available.
If you don't have a userid, and your institute is not registered yet, you will
need to register.
: Star Maps for visual use
Use the 68 star maps to find the location of the data you are proccessing!
SETI Australia Centre ( UWS )
Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Australia Center supports
SETI-related high school and university science education, SETI research and
public outreach programs from the University of Western Sydney Macarthur. Its
research project, Southern SERENDIP, is an eight million channel spectrum
analyzer piggy-backing onto conventional radio astronomy observations for the
next five years at the Parkes 64 metre radio telescope in NSW,Australia.
SETI Institute Home Page ( SETI )
SETI Institute (the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) serves as an
institutional home for scientific and educational projects relevant to the
nature, distribution, and prevalence of life in the universe. The largest
research effort is Project Phoenix, the privately-funded continuation of the
Targeted Search portion of NASA's High Resolution Microwave Survey. Two other
projects of interest are the Life in the Universe (LITU) Curriculum Project and
the Flight Opportunities for Science Teacher EnRichment (FOSTER) Project. LITU
develops supplementary science curriculum material for grades 3 through 9.
FOSTER allows science teachers to experience the excitement of research on
NASA's Kuiper Airborne Observatory (KAO).
The SETI League
believes that receipt of electromagnetic signals of intelligent origin from
beyond our planet will change forever our view of humanity's place in the
cosmos. Our mission it to organize and coordinate people interested in the
Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence in the hope of receiving such signals.
UK Network
( SETI )
combined resources of spare computer power in the UK being utilised in the
analysis of extra-terrestrial radio signals. Part of a project set up in 1999
ago by Berkeley University, California, USA. This site relates to those
SETI@home groups based in the UK.
Features an extensive investigation of the factors involved in the development
of complex life. Written in a thoughtful and accessible style.
( SETI at home )
is a scientific experiment that uses Internet-connected computers in the Search
for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). You can participate by running a free
program that downloads and analyzes batches of radio telescope data, for signals
which may be transimtted by intelligent extra terrestrial life.
: Freeware for the design of sundials
Shadows is a free software that allows to design and calculate various kind of
sundials. Very easy to use. Contains a database of more than 700 locations, can
draw and print the sundial drawing, gives the co-ordinates of all the lines,
provides a very detailed on-line help with lots of information on the sundial
theory, and advices to create a real sundial.
Ronak Y.
( University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign )
SHAH, Ronak Yogendra ( U. Virginia )
Research interests: Numerical relativity, Binary NS mergers. Contains a software
recommendation list and some free code snippets.
Astronomical Observatory
( SHAO )
The Serendipitous High-Redshift Archival ROSAT Cluster (SHARC) survey is a large
survey for high-redshift X-ray-luminous clusters of galaxies. Our home page has
lists of cluster candidates, links to papers about the survey, and much more
on Moon Sighting
( Earliest Crescent Moon Sighting )
visibility of moon across the globe, calculated by the latest criterion
developed by Shaukat
Stephen J.
( U. Kansas )
( University of Maryland )
( U. Kentucky )
galactic nuclei, accretion disks, galactic dynamics
( GSU )
A non-profit organization dedicated to public service in Astronomy. In order to
help make it possible for the people who live on this planet to see and
understand the Universe in which we live, we set up our telescopes in the
shopping malls or on the sidewalks of the cities so that people may see the
planets and moons of our own solar system.
Michael H.
( U. Virginia )
( Univ.Washington )
Processing Information Base
( SPIB )
project sponsored by the Signal Processing Society and the National Science
Foundation. SPIB contains information repositories of data, papers, software,
newsgroups, bibliographies, links to other repositories, and addresses, all of
which are relevant to signal processing research and development. For general
information, send e-mail to spib@spib.rice.edu containing the message: send help
( Penn State )
dynamics and compact objects, misc.
( UVic )
( Michigan State University )
Radio Galaxies, Kinematics of Galaxies
Astronomy Association
( Constantine, Algeria )
is an Amateur Astronomy Association from Constantine, Algeria, devoted to
promote Astronomy and Science, and to establish contact with similar
( ST-ECF )
Over the Western Pacific
( University of Guam's Planetarium Home Page )
Over the Western Pacific is the home page for the University of Guam's
Planetarium. Star Gazers in Guam have the distinct advantage of being the only
planetarium in a part of the world that has few parts to it, as well as a close
proximity to the equator. Visit Skies Over the Western Pacific for a completely
different perspective on the evening skies...
Mark A.
( Penn State Univ. )
( UMASS ) The following resources are similar (same sort-key, different
Sky Online, a service of Sky & Telescope magazine, is designed for astronomy
enthusiasts at all levels of interest. It features excerpts from Sky &
Telescope and CCD Astronomy magazines, tips for backyard skygazers, reviews of
telescopes and accessories, a weekly astronomical news bulletin, calendar of
upcoming star parties and amateur conventions, downloadable BASIC programs,
links to other sites, and more.
and Telescope Weekly News Bulletin
Sky Charts
( free astronomy software )
program for Windows 95/98/NT enables you to draw sky charts, making use of the
data from 15 catalogs of stars and nebulae. In addition the position of planets,
asteroids and comets are shown. The purpose of this program is to prepare
different sky maps for a particular observation. A large number of parameters
help you to choose specifically or automatically which catalogs to use, the
colour and the dimension of stars and nebulae, the display of labels and
coordinate grids, the superposition of FITS images, the condition of visibility
and more.
( Guide to amateur astronomy and stargazing )
Sky Guide is a guide to amateur astronomy and stargazing, including observing
the night sky, choosing and using backyard telescopes, telescope making, and
photographing the stars (film, ccd, video).
Sky Router is the personal astronomy resources site of Patrick Curran, with over
300 links ordered under subject headings.
View Cafe
( SVC )
View Cafe is a Java applet you can use to get localized star charts, ecliptic
charts, rise and set times of the Sun, Moon, and planets, Moon phases, and many
other bits of astronomical data in a very interactive way.
SkyEye allows to get sky images in Fits/Geis/Jpeg format selecting data from the
Digitized Sky Survey on CD-ROM (produced by STScI).
( ESO )
is a tool developed at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) that combines
visualization of images and access to catalogs and archive data for astronomy.
The site, updated each Friday, tells what to expect in the sky for the coming
week. It also features a "star of the week."
( gilis@club-internet.fr )
site of French amateur astronomers.
SkyView is a facility available over the net which allows users to retrieve data
from public all-sky surveys conveniently. The user enters the position and size
of the region desired, and the surveys wanted and the data is extracted and
formatted for the user. Documentation available through anonymous ftp.
( Astronomical Alarm Clock )
sends its subscribers a daily email message with information on important
astronomical events that can be observed from their location. These events
include meteor showers, satellite passes and eclipses. Subscribers also receive
a weekly report with Sun and Moon rise/set times.
The SL9: IMPACT '94 CD-ROM contains a huge selection of images and other files related to the impact of the Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter. The SL9 CD-ROM contains hundreds of images, motion video sequences, and technical information related to the July 1994 collision of the Periodic Comet Shoemaker-levy 9 (1993e) and the planet Jupiter. ISO-9660 disc.
SLANE, Patrick ( CfA )
Digital Sky Survey
( SDSS at Fermilab )
In the pi
steradians of the available North Galactic Pole (b > 30 degrees), we shall
conduct surveys in the following manner: Obtain a photometric survey, in four or
five filters to 23rd magnitude (R), 5 sigma, for stellar objects; obtain
redshifts for all galaxies down to 19th magnitude (B); obtain redshifts for all
QSOs down to 20th magnitude (B).
In the
available South Galactic Pole region there will be a deeper survey in a strip 2
degrees (dec) by 50 degrees, in order to: obtain a photometric survey, in four
or five filters to 25th magnitude (R), 5 sigma, for stellar objects; obtain
redshifts for all galaxies down to 20th magnitude (B); obtain redshifts for all
QSOs down to 21st magnitude (B).
In the
additional available sky covering the Galactic disk, a deep photometric survey
will be conducted on a best effort basis to 23rd magnitude (R), 5 sigma.
following resources are similar (same sort-key, different text):
Digital Sky Survey
( SDSS )
Sloan Digital Sky Survey's goal is to probe the large-scale structure of the
universe by systematically mapping in detail one fourth of the sky. The survey
will produce a catalog of roughly 100 million objects, with redshifts to more
than a million galaxies and quasars.
Gregory C.
( Virginia Tech )
of infrared spectral emission from circumstellar dust and interstellar material
( NASA/Ames )
Interests: PAH emission in extended sources Infrared spectra of circumstellar
dust Long-slit infrared spectroscopy of evolved stars Mars Gliese 229B, the
recently discovered brown dwarf
Academy of Sciences, Astronomical Institute
Small Explorers
( SMEX )
Small Explorer (SMEX) program provides frequent flight opportunities for highly
focused and relatively inexpensive science missions.
( GSFC )
Harding E. (Gene)
Infrared Galaxies & AGN, Galaxy Evolution, Observational Cosmology, Physics
& Astronomy Education.
Peter L.
( CfA )
( Univ.Washington )
Astrophysical Observatory (1)
( SAO )
Astrophysical Observatory (2)
( SAO )
Science Center (ASC) .
Anonymous ftp
Astrophysical Observatory (SAO)
Astrophysics Data System; AXAF Science Center; Data analysis for the Einstein
Observatory; Jonathan McDowell's quasar energy distribution database and
software library; PROS 2.2 software - README
Astrophysical Observatory Employment Opportunities
Smoky Mountain Astronomical
Satellite pass information updated weekly for Knoxville TN. Find out what the
astronomy club SMAS is up to.
( UMass )
Sociedad Espańola de Astronomía ( SEA )
Spanish Astronomical Society is open to all researchers and students in the
field of Astronomy, as well as to any other person or institution interested in
contributing to the development of this discipline in Spain. The aim of the SEA
is to provide a forum for the discussion on subjects of common interest, to
offer the means for dealing with those affairs in which a joint action is
appropriate, and to maintain institutional relations with similar societies.
Sociedade Astronomica Brasileira ( SAB )
page of the Brazilian Astronomical Society with information on the Society,
meeting schedules, members directory. [in
Astronomique de France
( SAF )
Société Astronomique de France (in French).
Astronomique de Liege
( SAL )
site of the Astronomical Society of Liege (Belgium) is completely in French.
La Société Astronomique de
Ličge vous propose: prochaines activités; actualité astronomique; images
d'amateurs; liens astronomiques; informations sur la SAL, etc...
d'Astronomie de Nantes
( SAN )
[in French].
d'Astronomie de St-Imier - Les Pleiades
( Pléiades )
society of amateur astronomers in Switzerland.
La Société d'Astronomie de
St-Imier offre aux amateurs une porte ouverte sur l'Univers... Elle veut donner
aux amateurs les possibilités de construction de télescopes, d'observation du
ciel, d'utilisation de logiciels, d'astro-photographie, etc. [in French].
Francaise d'Astronomie et d'Astrophysique
( SF2A )
Française d'Astronomie et d'Astrophysique is the new name of SFSA, the French
Society for professional astronomers, founded in 1978. [in French]
Francaise des Specialistes d'Astronomie
( SFSA )
Société Francaise des Spécialistes d'Astronomie: the French professional
astronomical society (in French)
Royale Belge d'Astronomie, de Meteorologie et de Physique du Globe
( SRBA )
The "Société Royale Belge d'Astronomie, de Météorologie et de
Physique du Globe" was founded in Brussels in 1894. It
is a non-profit organization for french speaking people interested in astronomy,
meteorology, geophysics and space sciences. The Society publishes the bimonthly
journal "Ciel et Terre", organizes conferences, seminars, course of
lectures and visits to professional astronomical sites. One of its most famous
president was the cosmologist Georges Lemaître.
for Popular Astronomy
( SPA )
Society for Popular Astronomy brings astronomy to everyone. Formed in 1953 as
the Junior Astronomical Society, the SPA publishes a quaterly magazine Popular
X-Ray Telescope onboard Yohkoh Satellite, ISAS, Japan
( description at LMSAL, USA )
(" Sunbeam" in Japanese) is a satellite of the Japanese Institute of
Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS) dedicated to high-energy observations of
the Sun, specifically of flares and other coronal disturbances
Engineering Institute
( SEI )
Software Engineering Institute (SEI) is a major force causing the widespread
adoption of significant improvements in the practice of software engineering.
The institute is committed to the evolution of software engineering from an
ad-hoc, labor-intensive activity to a managed, technology-supported engineering
and Heliospheric Observatory
( SOHO )
SOHO project is being carried out by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the US
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) as a cooperative effort
between the two agencies in the framework of the Solar Terrestrial Science
Program (STSP).
SOHO was launched on December 2, 1995. The SOHO spacecraft was built in Europe
by an industry team led by Matra, and instruments were provided by European and
American scientists.
Data Analysis Center
( SDAC )
SDAC at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center serves current solar ground- and
spaced-based imagery, text, figures, maps, and tables of NASA eclipse bulletins,
solar flare data from the Compton GRO BATSE experiment and the Yohkoh
spacecraft, and science operations planning information for the SOHO Science
Working Team.... and more to come.
Extreme-ultraviolet Rocket Telescope and Spectrograph
Solar Extreme-ultraviolet Rocket Telescope and Spectrograph (SERTS) instrument
obtains spatially resolved spectra and spectroheliograms over a wide range of
extreme ultraviolet (EUV) wavelengths characteristic of temperatures between
5x10^4-3x10^7K, providing information about the Sun's corona and upper
transition region. Wavelength coverage is 170-450A with spectral resolution near
10000, spatial resolution as good as 5arcsec, and relative photometric accuracy
within +/- 20% over most of its range. This page contains links to information
about the instrument, a solar EUV line list between 170 and 450 A from the
SERTS-89 flight, and a list of SERTS-related publications. Soon to be added is
information about upcoming launches. Also included are links to other WWW
servers relevant to solar astronomers.
Flare Theory
( NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center )
site provides an introduction to solar flares, solar flare research, and the
Sun-Earth connection. A crossword puzzle, links to related sites, and answers to
readers' questions are included.
The group provides Solar Radio Monitoring on RATAN-600. Observations are
performed with a high spatial, one - dimensional resolution scan near UT 9-00 at
30-40 wavelengths in the range from 1.67 cm up to 32 cm with left (LCP) and
right (RCP) circular polarization.
There are FITS and GIF data archives available from May 1997.
Physics at Stanford University
Observational and theoretical research in the physics of the sun is carried out
at Stanford University in several research groups. The Wilcox Solar Observatory
and Solar Oscillations Investigation programs are conducted by a group of
scientists and supporting staff associated with the Center for Space Science and
Astrophysics (CSSA) and the Hansen Exerimental Physics Laboratories (HEPL),
under the direction of Philip H. Scherrer (CSSA and the Department of Physics).
Physics Division - American Astronomical Society
System, Lecture notes and class materials
( Indiana University Northwest )
notes, homeworks, exams, and plenty of relevant links for introductory Astronomy
course for non-science majors at Indiana University Northwest: The Solar System.
Class taught in September 1996.
Terrestrial Activity Report
The Solar Terrestrial Activity Report has an overview of current solar activity
as well as this activity's effect on Earth's geomagnetic field. The report is
primarily aimed at radio listeners. Solar cycle and solar wind information is
part of the report.
Terrestrial Dispatch
( STD )
Solar Terrestrial Dispatch (STD) provides information regarding the state of the
Sun and its effect on the Earth and the space environment near the Earth. The
numerous services provided here are made possible through cooperation with the
University of Lethbridge , who we gratefully acknowledge. STD's primary
responsibility is to provide support and time-critical solar and geophysical
information to institutions and individuals who require this information. For
this purpose, we monitor solar and geophysical conditions in real-time and
provide e-mail distribution of numerous services. We also supply many available
solar and geophysical services through Anonymous FTP. and several finger
servers: finger solar@solar.uleth.ca.
Tower Atmospheric Cherenkov Effect Experiment
is a new experiment for detecting gamma-rays with energies from 20 to 300 GeV,
corresponding to the last unopened window in the electromagnetic spectrum.
STACEE will use a the heliostats available at a large solar power facility to
collect Cherenkov light that results from gamma-ray air showers. STACEE is
currently under development and should be operational sometime in 1997 or 1998.
UV Atlas from HRTS
( HRTS data )
the generosity of Dr. Pĺl Brekke of the University of Oslo, the High Resolution
Spectrograph and Telescope (HRTS) ultraviolet solar atlas is now available on
the Web. Click here for more information.
Solar Voyager is an educational site featuring information about our solar
system, along with interesting space artwork.
( an Italian list )
Solar, Auroral, Ionospheric, ... Information ( Univ. Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada )
Imagery (mirrored from SELSIS/BBSO)-updated once every three hours; Daily
Reports of Ionospheric Data containing M(3000), foF2, MUF(3000), and TEC;
East-West Solar Interferometer Scan Images from the Algonquin Radio Observatory
32-Element Interferometer; Weekly Solar Terrestrial Forecast and Review Reports;
Daily GOES-6 and 7 X-ray Plots as well as special high-resolution xray plots of
major flares; Daily NSO solar coronal line emission plots; Daily
Pseudo-Full-Disk solar coronal maps of the coronal Fe XIV and Ca XV ion lines
from the NSO; and more... - README
Physics Home Page
( STP )
Physics Division of the National Geophysical Data Center home page. Includes
several various STP disciplines within the Center: geomagnetism,
and Upper Atmosphere,
and two satellte programs: GOES
and DMSP.
SolarMail is an e-mail forwarding system provided as a service to all members of
the Solar Physics research community. It allows users to be reached via e-mail
anywhere through their username (usually first initial plus last name) on the
spd.aas.org server.
( Stony Brook Astron. Group )
astronomical resources
( Glasgow )
( Chronology and History of Astronomy )
Chronology. Astronomers. [in Spanish and English].
State University - Dept. of Physics & Astronomy
SORIA, Roberto ( Mullard Space Science Laboratory )
transitions in X-ray binaries.
African Astronomical Observatory
( SAAO )
South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO) is the National Facility for
optical/infrared astronomy in South Africa. Its prime function is to further
fundamental research in astronomy and astrophysics at a national and
international level through the provision and use of a world-class astronomical
Association for Research in Astronomy
( SARA )
SARA telescope consortium operates the 0.9 meter SARA optical telescope on Kitt
African Large Telescope
( SALT )
a 9-m class southern hemisphere twin of the Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET) in
Texas, to be built at the Sutherland observing station of the South African
Astronomical Observatory.
Astronomical Society Home Page
One of the first WWW sites of an amateur astronomical in Australia. Set up for
the Southern Astronomical Society, Inc. by the administrator, Zac Pujic. The
site contains general information about astronomy as well as information about
the society.
Columbia Millimeter Telescope
( 1.2 Meter )
Cross Astronomical Society
( SCAS )
Southern Cross Astronomical Observatory, founded in 1922 in Miami, Florida, is
one of the oldest amateur astronomical societies in the Western hemisphere. The
renowned astronomer, Dr. Harlow Shapley, visited the first observatory at the
Royal Palm Hotel & Park near the Miami River. He marveled at our view of the
constellation Crux, "The Southern Cross," and suggested this name for
the newly formed Observatory.
Missouri State University - Department of Physics, Astronomy and Materials
( SMSU )
Missouri State University has an extensive Astronomy program, including studies
using their Baker Observatory which is conveniently located outside of the
city's lights. Studies started here can lead to a Ph.D. in Astronomy.
Montana Astronomical Society
( SMAS )
Southwest Montana Astronomical Society is a regional astronomy club founded in
1993 to promote amateur astronomy through a variety of programs and special
events. Meetings are held on the last Friday of every month, 7:30 pm at the
Museum of the Rockies in Bozeman, and are always free and open to the public.
Activities include guest speakers, telescope workshops, star parties,
planetarium shows, slide programs. Annual events sponsored by SMAS include the
Montana Astro Fair, a major astronomy festival held at the Museum of the Rockies
each winter, and the Montana Starwatch, a regional star party at a dark sky site
in the summer. Each event draws hundreds of participants. SMAS has approximately
100 members.
Research Institute - Department of Space Studies
( SwRI )
A guide for space and space exploration.
Art by M. Fusco
( The Ace Artist's Gallery )
Space Art by Michele E. Fusco.
Art of Mark A. Garlick
( space-art.co.uk )
on-line galley of astronomical art.
Astronomy Instrument Laboratory
Space Astronomy Laboratory
( SAL/Wisconsin )
University of Wisconsin Space Astronomy Laboratory (SAL) designs and builds
experiments to do research in space-based astronomy with emphasis on the
ultraviolet part of the spectrum.
Space Calendar ( NASA )
Space Calendar covers space-related activities and anniversaries for the coming
year. Note that anniversary dates are listed in 5 year increments only, and
launch dates are subject to change.
Space Careers is a free resource for employment in the space industry, updated
every week, with over 300 links directly related to space jobs. Space Careers
provides an extensive collection of links to the major players in the space
industry and to useful resources on the web to improve job searching.
The site is divided into two main areas: careers (links to companies and
organizations involved in space, covering all aspects of the global space
community, including direct links to their employment pages when available) and
resources (links to the trade press and news sites, to professional associations
and to useful job hunting sites).
In addition Space Careers also features a topical Space Site Of The Week and a
space and job hunting related Bookstore.
The Space Environment Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration provides near real-time monitoring and forecasting of the
environment between the sun and the earth. Our WWW
server features Today's Solar Weather with current solar images, xray and proton plots from GOES satellites,
and the latest forecast of solar-terrestrial conditions.
Infrared Telescope Facility (SIRTF) - Infrared Spectrograph
( IRS )
Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) is one of three instruments to be flown in the Space
Infrared Telescope Facility (SIRTF).
Infrared Telescope Facility
Space InfraRed Telescope Facility (SIRTF), the fourth and final element in
NASA's family of "Great Observatories", has entered development. SIRTF
consists of a 0.85-meter telescope and three cryogenically-cooled science
instruments capable of performing imaging and spectroscopy in the 3 - 180 micron
wavelength range. Incorporating the latest in large-format infrared detector
arrays, SIRTF offers orders-of-magnitude improvements in capability over
existing programs. While SIRTF's mission lifetime requirement remains 2.5 years,
recent programmatic and engineering developments have brought a 5-year cryogenic
mission within reach. A fast-track development schedule will lead to a launch in
December 2001. SIRTF represents an important scientific and technical bridge to
NASA's new Origins program.
Infrared Telescope Facility: Education and Outreach
Interferometry Mission
( SIM )
will be NASA's first space interferometer designed specifically for measuring
the position of stars. SIM will utilize multiple telescopes placed along a
10-meter (33-foot) structure.
SPACE JOBS is a career
advertising venue for employment opportunities in the Space Industry -
worldwide. It is a free service for "Job Seekers" and provides both
on-line search capabilities and an e-mail subscription
to receive job postings as they arrive.
Mission Acronym List and Hyperlink Guide
( Mission Acronyms and Links )
A very large collection of space animations (more than 2000 video sequences).
Here's the summary : Solar eclipses | Meteorology |Science-Fiction | Star Trek |
Shoemaker-Levy | Solar system bodies | Satellites, rockets and space probes |
Space |STS-71 Mir-Atlantis encounter | Astro 2 Endeavor mission | Apollo
missions, etc.
News Archive
of space-related news items. Moderated.
Physics Resources on the Internet
Space Policy Archive
Policy digest (sci.space.policy newsgroup) Discussions about political,
economic, and policy aspects of spaceflight.
Research Institute
( IKI )
the leading organization of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the field of investigations of Outer Space, Solar System planets and
other objects of the Universe, Space Research Institute (IKI) is
primarily in charge of long-range planning and elaboration of space research
programs of which a considerable part is performed within the framework of
international space research cooperation.
Research Organization of the Netherlands
( SRON )
is a foundation within the framework of the Netherlands Organization for
Scientific Research (NWO).
Its mission is to initiate, to develop, to build and to use internationally
outstanding instruments for scientific research in and from space.
Science Archive
Science digest (sci.space.science newsgroup) Planetary science, space-based
astronomy, and other space science. Moderated.
Science Data Services
Science Interactive
( SSI )
about space research as you explore and extend this multimedia adventure.
Shuttle Archive
Shuttle digest (sci.space.shuttle newsgroup) The space shuttle and the STS
Tech Archive
Tech digest (sci.space.tech newsgroup) Technology and general issues related to
space flight. (Moderated) **note** This digest is completely different from the
space-tech-digest run by Marc Ringuette.
Telescope - European Coordinating Facility
( ST-ECF )
ST-ECF was established in 1984 jointly by the European Space Agency and the
European Southern Observatory and is located at the ESO headquarters at Garching
near Munich. The ST-ECF supports the European astromical community in exploiting
the research opportunities provided by the earth-orbiting Hubble Space
Telescope. The ST-ECF provides detailed technical information about the HST and
its science instruments, supports European astronomers in the preparation of HST
observing proposals, coordinates the development of computer software tuned to
the specific data analysis needs of HST users, operates and maintains an archive
of all the scientific data collected by HST, and acts as a European centre for
associated meetings and workshops. In all of these duties the ST-ECF staff
maintains close contacts with the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in
Baltimore, which is charged with the scientific operation of the HST
Telescope Electronic Information System (STScI)
Space Telescope Electronic
Information System
Telescope European Coordinating Facility - Software Developments
( ST-ECF )
ST-ECF is actively engaged in software development in many areas related to HST
data calibration, analysis and visualization.
Telescope Science Data Analysis System
is a preliminary Mosaic document for the Space Telescope Science Data Analysis
System. STSDAS is software primarily designed for reducing and analyzing data
from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). This includes the same instrument
calibration code included in the routine data processing pipeline. STSDAS also
includes general-purpose tools and enhancements to IRAF.
Telescope Science Institute Library Service
STEPsheet, IAU circulars
Telescope Science Institute Preprint services
( STScI )
Telescope Science Institute
( STScI )
is responsible for the scientific operations of the Hubble Space Telescope
(HST). STScI is operated by Associated Universities for Research in Astronomy
(AURA) under contract to NASA.
The SPACEWARN Bulletin is intended to serve as an international communication
mechanism for the rapid distribution of information on satellites and space
SPEAR, Gordon G. ( Sonoma State Univ. )
Astrophysical Observatory of Russian Academy of Sciences
is Russia's main centre for ground-based space research. The Observatory is
located in the South of Russia, in the Caucasus mountains of
Karachaevo-Cherkesia. The basic instruments of the Observatory are the 6-meter
optical telescope BTA (Big Alt-azimuth Telescope) and the 600-meter radio
telescope RATAN-600.
SPECTRUM UV is planned as a general purpose ultraviolet observatory. Phase A
study activities are supported by the Space Agencies of Russia, Ukraine, Italy
and Germany. Spectrum UV is planned to be launched round the turn of the
Coordination facility
( SXG. University of Harvard )
(SXG) is an international high-energy astrophysics observatory which is being
built under the leadership of the Russian Space Research Institute (IKI). The US
SXG CF supports the US astronomical community in obtaining information about
SXG, proposing for and making SXG observations, and performing archival research
using the SXG archive
SPECTRUM is an IBM PC-based stellar spectral synthesis program. Given a stellar
atmosphere model, SPECTRUM computes the LTE synthetic spectrum. This Web site
contains an introduction to SPECTRUM, full on-line documentation, and access to
the ftp site for downloading SPECTRUM and auxiliary files. SPECTRUM is being
made available over the Internet for the purposes of research and education.
David N.
( Princeton )
- The International Society for Optical Engineering
The Web site of the International Society for Optical Engineering, includes
meeting announcements, membership information, and abstracts of nearly 30,000
papers on optics and related subjects, including astronomy. The Gateway to Photonics Information
is a set of links to institutions, societies, government agencies, and other
useful resources.
Edward A.
( Columbia Univ. )
Planning and Scheduling
( Spike )
Telescope Science Institute developed the Spike planning and scheduling software
in support of the Hubble Space Telescope as a general toolkit for planning and
scheduling under Contract NAS5-26555 with the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration. It is our desire that this toolkit be used to promote scientific
research through the effective and efficient use of ground- and space-based
astronomical observatories. By providing the Spike system to other facilities,
we hope to develop a community of users who develop and use the Spike system. To
the degree our resources allow, STScI will act as a clearinghouse for users, bug
fixes, modifications, etc.
( Aristotle University of Thessaloniki )
Kilometer Array Interferometer radio telescope project
( SKAI )
site provides information about the world-wide efforts to develop the next
generation of radio telescope.
Kilometre Array
( SKA - Australian contribution )
web resource covering SKA scientific and engineering developments. Contains
access to reports, meetings announcements, discussions of SKA issues, links to
SKA related research.
WAIS index to the software abstracts maintained at the Software Support
Laboratory (SSL), located at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics
(LASP) at the University of Colorado in Boulder, Colorado.
The ST-ECF Newsletter is a regular publication of the Space Telescope - European
Coordinating Facility.
HST Status Reports; European HST News
Louis Astronomical Society
The St. Louis Astronomical Society is dedicated to promoting the interest in and
advancement of the science of astronomy. It features a sky calendar and contains
other items of interest to the amateur astronomer.
The Standard Star Newsletter is the publication of the Standard Stars Working
Group sponsored by Commissions 25, 29,
and 45 of the International
Astronomical Union.
Its purpose is to keep astronomers in touch with all aspects of stellar
standards: those in photometry, spectroscopy, polarization, element abundances,
stellar parameters, and radial velocities.
Krzysztof Z.
( Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics )
Stanford Linear Accelerator
( SLAC )
Public Information REtrieval System
variety of SLAC's databases of interest to high-energy physics community is now
made available via WWW, including: Preprints: HEP
preprint database.
Contains bibliographic summaries of more than 280,000 particle physics papers.
Included are preprints, journal articles, technical reports, thesis, etc.
Searchable by author, title, report number, institution, collaboration, and
more. Find citations of your favorite author or article. View full postscript
versions of selected preprints, read abstracts of bulletin-board papers. Need more
help? Abstracts:
Bulletin boards abstracts database. Useful in searching for recent physics
bulletin board articles not yet covered by the HEP database. Find abstracts (and
more!) of the articles posted today,
in the last
seven days, week
before that, or anytime.
Providing Solar On-Line Activity Resources
for the joy of solar science exploration.
This site presents a collection of fun educational activities based on Solar
Oscillations Investigation (SOI) and Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)
University Astrophysics
The Star Formation Newsletter (SFN) is an electronic publication dedicated to
early stellar evolution and molecular clouds. It is edited by Bo Reipurth.
Formation Research at the LAOG
( Grenoble )
Sequence Stellar Physics: Accretion Disks, Jet and Outflows, Circumstellar
Environment, Angular Momentum Evolution, PMS Stellar Evolution.
Global /
Multiple Star Formation: Star Formation in Clusters, Binaries.
High Angular Resolution, Polarimetry.
The Star*s Family is a growing collection of directories, dictionaries,
databases and related products on astronomy, space sciences, as well as related
fields, organizations and people. StarWorlds,
and StarHeads:
are available on-line.
( Navigating the Astronomical Internet )
is ST ScI's prototype implemetation of Astrobrowse, a coordinated effort to
develop common interfaces to the growing multitude of online astronomical
Starcast is an interface for querying multiple data archives, catalogs, and
other online astronomical resources from a single Web-based form. Using simple
but common query parameters, you can use Starcast to quickly locate online
services (maybe even services you didn't know existed) that may have the data
you're looking for.
( ESO )
1998: STARCAT is now becoming obsolete. Use it only to access astronomical
catalogues or request special file types. Use WDB
A learning center for young astronomers (at NASA HEASARC).
( CEA, Saclay )
StarClock 2.0 is a simple free program for PC/DOS machines with VGA graphics
that animates stellar evolution in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. Based on a
grid of models computed recently at Geneva Observatory.
autonomous astronomical camera on the World Wide Web
( Stardial )
delivers images of the night sky nearly in real-time to the world wide web. It
is used primarily for educational purposes. Its archive consists of images taken
at 15 minute (sidereal) intervals since July 1996. The survey covers from 0 to
-8 degrees declination to 12th magnitude. Highlights and possible classroom
assignments are described.
A space mission that will fly close to a comet and, for the first time ever,
bring cometary material back to Earth
( Maryland/GSFC )
The Starlink Software Collection is an anthology of astronomy applications
packages and supporting subroutine libraries and utilities. It is provided by
the UK Starlink Project and contributing institutions, and distributed to
non-profit making organizations for use in astronomical research. At present,
the collection comprises some 140 different items covering most wavebands and
branches of astronomy. Most run on popular versions of UNIX. Starlink sites in
the UK automatically receive regular updates, while other sites may obtain
copies of the collection (and updates) on request to ussc@star.rl.ac.uk.
Job listings
- Crowded-field stellar photometry
Starman is a software package for:- Crowded-field stellar photometry Stellar
photometry Image handling Table handling.
- Space science Teaching and Resource Site
( STaRS )
is a pilot programme that (1) presents astronomy investigations for 8-12 year
olds, and (2) promotes topical astronomy and space science studies. STaRS was
designed by Glen Mackie in association with educators at Carter Observatory,
Wellington, New Zealand and funded (1998-1999) by the Science and Technology
Promotion Fund of the Royal Society of New Zealand.
( Portraits of Stars and their Constellations )
introduces a new star each week, describing it at a beginning level. The site
gives constellation pictures showing the star and also features a general
introduction to stars and their evolution.
Consulting Center for Astronomy
( SCCA )
SCCA provides prompt high-quality statistical advice for the astronomical
community. It is an interdisciplinary team of faculty at Penn State with
contacts throughout the international statistical community. A wide range of
issues arising in astronomical data analysis can be addressed. Questions and
answers are made available on the WWW.
software for astronomy and related fields
( StatCodes )
is a Web metasite with links to >200 source codes and packages implementing
statistical methods which are freely available on the Internet. Most are in C or
Fortran. Categories include: general statistics; statistical distributions;
Bayesian statistics; time series analysis; multivariate analysis; multivariate
clustering and classification; censored and truncated data; nonparametric
methods; density estimation and smoothing; spatial statistics; image analysis;
correlation and regression; visualization tools; interactive Web tools.
( University of Washington )
written by members of the Statistics Department of University of Washington
and/or their collaborators, available for download.
( Ohio Univ. )
StatLib, a system for distributing statistical software, datasets, and
information by electronic mail, FTP, gopher, and WWW. StatLib started out as an
e-mail service and some of the organisation still reflects that heritage.
( Neural network code )
is a flexible feed-forward neural network code for data modelling, such as
automated classification. The code incorporates a conjugate gradient optimizer
and weight decay regularisation.
STD Aurora Monitor is an interactive program that allows the user to post
questions and auroral activity observations to others on the Internet. Find out
when the latest Aurora is visible in your area. Also monitor Solar activity and
global weather conditions in real-time using satellite imagery. Even see the
different phases of the moon. Free trial software available.
( Universidad de Guadalajara )
simulation of jets in AGN and planetary nebulae.
( MSU )
( Univ. Victoria ) The
following resources are similar (same sort-key, different text):
( Steward Observatory )
( Omaha Astronomical Society )
Online! is the online newsletter of the Omaha Astronomical Society and features
the following:
- Timely information on what's goings on in the sky
- Observation reports
- Constellation of the Month
- Classified ads
- Discussion group
- Book store, club library, mailing list
- And information on the Omaha Astronomical Society.
Astrophysics & Research on Exoplanets
(STellar Astrophysics & Research on Exoplanets) uses precise time-series
photometry to search for extrasolar giant planets transiting their parent stars.
An important byproduct of STARE will be an unusually complete survey of variable
stars within its selected fields-of-view.
( DU Obs. )
F. Austin State University Observatory
research, and personnel of the SFASU Observatory.
Astronomical Institute (Moscow)- Relativistic Astrophysics Department
( SAI )
Astrophysics Department of the Sternberg Astronomical Institute.
Astronomical Institute
( Heliophysics, internal structure and Seismology )
home page belongs to a small group of scientists working at Sternberg
Astronomical Institute which is a part of Moscow State University. The
following resources are similar (same sort-key, different text):
Astronomical Institute
( SAI (Moscow )
Crimean Observatory SAI Astronomical Databases Browse SAI Software
archive(ftp.sai.msu.su) Here you may find email address (Internet) of people at
Sternberg Astronomical Institute. Stellar astrophysics department Solar
structure studies group Division of Gravitational Measurements
Veranstaltungsprogramm der Sternwarte Solingen. [in German]
The Sursee Observatory (Switzerland) [in german].
More than 300 links, fully annotated and arranged on subject. [Dutch language].
Leiden: Preprints Received
The Steward Observatory Home Page provides information on the academic and
research activities of the University of Arizona Department of Astronomy as well
as information on the facilities of Steward Observatory.
Rae F.
Martin J.
( Vienna )
Observatory Preprints
The Webpages of the Institute for Astronomy at Stockholm University
Lisa J.
( SIRTF Science Center, Caltech )
Astronomical Observatory
( Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg )
Strasbourg astronomical Observatory is an institute of the Université Louis
Pasteur. It hosts the Strasbourg astronomical Data Center (CDS).
Research activities are in the following fields: Stellar Populations and
Galactic Evolution; High-Energy astrophysics; Cosmology; Information handling.
The Observatory hosts a Planetarium.
Stellar magnetic activity, Doppler imaging, robotic telescopes.
For Ground-Based Optical And Infrared Astronomy
McCray Panel on Ground-Based Optical and Infrared Astronomy, Committee on
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Board on Physics and Astronomy, Space Studies Board,
Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Applications, National
Research Council, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. 1995
Observatory For Infrared Astronomy
Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) will be a 2.5 meter,
optical/infrared/sub-millimeter telescope mounted in a Boeing 747, to be used
for many basic astronomical observations performed at stratospheric altitudes.
The Facility will accommodate installation of different focal plane instruments,
with in-flight accessibility, provided by investigators selected from the
international science community. The Facility objective is to have an
operational lifetime in excess of 20 years.
STRAUS, Thomas ( Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte, Napoli )
Strickler Planetarium, located on the campus of Olivet Nazarene University in
Bourbonnais, Illinois, is dedicated to educating the public in the Kankakee area
about the astronomical wonders of space.
Karen M.
( UMass )
( Iowa State Univ. )
The on-line STScI preprint service provides electronic versions of all preprints
appearing in the STScI preprint series. It includes a searchable index, and
full-text articles in PostScript format where available.
Includes: STEIS Gopher Menus, STScI Phonebook, Archive Exposure Catalog, Current
Year's Weekly Timeline, HST Status Reports, Long Range Plan (disabled), Weekly
Summaries, STScI Documents, ...
STEPsheet Preprint Database
STScI-STEPsheet is a bibliographic listing of astronomy and astrophysics
preprints received at the Space Telescope Science Institute Library since 1982,
including all HST papers in the refereed literature. The preprints include
papers submitted to scientific and technical journals and to appear in meeting
proceedings; they cover observational, experimental, theoretical, review,
instrumentation, image processing, and computing topics in a wide range of
astronomical subdisciplines. Preprints include work by ST ScI authors as well as
preprints received from authors and institutions world-wide. Citations are added
as papers are published. The database is updated daily.
preprints (abstracts)
WAIS index of all help files for STSDAS, the Space Telescope Science Data
Analysis System, developed at the Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore,
MD, for the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope.
The World Wide Web version of the help information for STSDAS, the Space
Telescope Science Data Anlaysis System, developed at the Space Telescope Science
Institute, Baltimore, MD.
WAIS index of all spp (Subset Preprocessor) source code of STSDAS (Space
Telescope Science Data Analysis System), developed at the Space Telescope
Science Institute, Baltimore, MD, for the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope.
for the Exploration and Development of Space
( SEDS )
for the Exploration and Development of Space was founded in 1980 at MIT and
Princeton and consists of an international group of high school, undergraduate,
and graduate students from a diverse range of educational backgrounds who are
working to promote space as a whole. SEDS is a chapter based organization with
chapters throughout the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Latin America,
and the Middle East. The permanent National Headquarters for SEDS-USA resides at
MIT. Each chapter is fairly independent and coordinates activities and projects
in its own area.
There is also a Gopher
server which
contains a Rennes archive mirror plus software.
Telescope at Hilo
( NAOJ )
SUBARU is an 8.3-m diameter new-generation telescope being constructed and to be
operated by the National Astronomical Observatory, under the Ministry of
Education of Japan.
( SMA )
Submillimeter Array (SMA), now under construction near the summit of Mauna
Kea, was conceived
as an exploratory instrument for high angular resolution observations at
submillimeter wavelengths (1.3 to 0.3 mm).
Polarimeter for Antarctic Remote Observing
Interstellar Magnetic Fields from the South Pole.
Telescope Observatory
( SMTO )
Submillimeter Telescope Observatory (SMTO) is operated as a joint facility for
the University of Arizona's Steward Observatory and the Max-Planck-Institut für
Radioastronomie (Bonn). The SMTO is located on Emerald Peak of Mt. Graham,
approximately 75 miles north-east of Tucson, Arizona.
Wave Astronomy Satell
( SWAS )
the Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite, is a pathfinding mission for
studying the chemical composition of interstellar galactic clouds to help
determine the process of star formation.
Common-User Bolometer Array for the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope
is a bolometer camera for the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope operating at
submillimetre and millimetre wavelengths.
Hole Accretion Astrophysics: Viscosity due to Tangled Magnetic Fields, Shear
Acceleration and Jet Production, Jet-Disk Connection. Solar Physics: Coronal
Mass Ejections, LASCO instrument on SOHO project.
Neutrino Observatory
( SNO at Queen's University )
is an astronomical neutrino observatory that is being built below ground in the
deepest section of INCO Limited's Creighton Mine near Sudbury, Ontario. SNO is
an international collaboration of scientists from Canada, USA and UK.
Information services are available at
Martin Sulkanen
This interactive Java applet displays the positions of sun and moon for any
date, time and location on the horizon, and on a world map with day and night
regions. The times of rise and setting, the declination, the Greenwich Hour
Angle of sun and moon, the equation of time and more data are computed.
( CTIO )
Stony Brook Astronomy Group
Super-Kamiokande is a joint Japan-US collaboration to construct the world's
largest underground neutrino observatory.
Tunnel Junction Detector Research
( STJ )
devices promise to yield the near-ideal astronomical photon-counting detector in
which not just the location, but also the energy of each photon is recorded at
extremely high efficiency. STJ detectors have previously been considered mainly
for X-ray astronomy applications, but recent theoretical and laboratory research
in the division has led to a dramatic breakthrough in extending the technique to
visible and UV wavelengths where energy discrimination up until now has had to
rely on filters or low efficiency dispersive optics.
SuperCOSMOS is the Royal Observatory Edinburgh's advanced photographic plate
digitising machine. It succeeds COSMOS which was in operation at the ROE until
December 1993, and is 10 times more powerful than its predecessor.
Pages on the WWW
( list )
to a growing list of WWW pages concerning all aspects of research on supernova
and supernova remnants. Observations and theory; all types of supernovae;
research groups and individual researchers.
( IPAC )
Peter G.
( McMaster University )
( Oxford )
Data Archive
( SWAS )
Archive from the NASA Submillimeter Wawe Astronomy Satellite.
Dark matter in dwarf galaxies.
Swedish-ESO SUbmillimetre Telescope ( SEST )
Gamma Ray Burst Explorer
Swift is a three-telescoipe space observatory (gamma-ray telescope, X-ray
telescope, and ultraviolet/optical telescope) for studying gamma ray bursts. It
is a NASA MIDEX mission selected for launch in 2003.
Starting in 1999, Swinburne Astronomy Online, an online Graduate
Certificate in Astronomy will contain both general-interest and more specialist
units. The course content will be rich in multimedia animations and simulations
and incorporate newsgroup communications nd discussion of up-to-date astronomy
and space news.
Centre for Astrophysics & Supercomputing
The Swinburne Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing is hosted by the School
of Biophysical Sciences and Electrical Engineering at the Swinburne University
of Technology in Melbourne, Australia.
University Molonglo Sky Survey
is a deep radio survey of the entire sky south of declination -30 degrees, made
using the Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope, operating at 843MHz and
recording right-circular polarization.
SUMSS matches (approximately) the resolution and depth of the NRAO-VLA Sky
Survey (NVSS). The principal data products are mosaics which cover a 4x4 degree
square on the sky. The centres of the mosaics mirror the NVSS centres in the
north. The resolution is 45" x 45"/sin(dec), and the rms noise limit
varies from 1.3 to 2mJy/beam (lower toward the south celestial pole).
The survey began in March 1997 and will take eight years to complete. SUMSS is
suported by funding from the Australian Research Council.
The primary reference for a description of the survey is: Bock,
D., Large, M. and Sadler, E.
Mark V.
( Steward Obs. )
Spectra of B Main-Sequence Stars from 3000 - 10000
This Web page provides a simple interactive tool for line identification in B
stars along the main sequence. The calculation makes use of the atomic line list
of Kurucz & Bell (1995). For one of six possible effective temperatures
between 10000 and 35000 K and an arbitrary wavelength range between 3000 and
10000 Ĺ a normalized synthetic spectrum is displayed on-line. The output
consists of a gif image (~10 kB) or a gzipped postscript file (~30 kB).
Pawel Jan
( University of Lodz, Poland )
interests: nuclear astrophysics (the s- and r-processes in nucleosynthesis,
network calculations) and nuclear physics (cross sections measurements, parity
nonconservation in (n,p) reactions, new spectrometers).
( JHU )
Astronomical Observatory
( Hungary )
education and research at University of Szeged.
( Warsaw University Obs. )