
Contese e lotte delle Famiglie illustri italiane

Vol.1 Ernesto Paleani

Per non dormire...8 gennaio 1521. Brancaleoni e Ubaldini








Sabato 10 e domenica 11 giugno 2006 - Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 june 2006

Master class


Name: Michael Hewer


Location: Worldwide

Short Sword: Michael Hewer

Maestro d'Armi:  Michael Hewer


works as an actor in France since 1984. Parallel to theatre classes with Ph.Gaulier, J.Lecocq, M.Benichou and C.Boso, of MIME (Magenia Studio) and circus (Rosny s/Bois),he studies fencing for theatre and old fencing with the fencing masters Bob HeddIe-Roboth, Eberhardt Gäbel, Jean Promard and Claude Carliez.

Master classes with Masters Roy Goodall (Great Britain) and Ramon Martinez (the USA).

1988 to 1993, he works as an assistant in the stage fighting classes at the Cité universitaire de Paris and as an actor-stuntman (speciality fencing) under the direction of Master Claude Carliez in several films and spectacles.

1990: Moniteur d'escrime de spectacle of the French Fencing Academy(AAF).

From 1994 to 1998, he assists Master HeddIe-Roboth at the theatre school of the Théâtre National de Chaillot. As a director, he create the combats of several spectacles in Germany, Italy, Belgium and in France.

1995: Master of the International Fencing Academy (AAI)

1997: Fechtmeister of the German Fencing Academy (ADFD).

- Fondation of "Jeux d'Epées", a school of artistic combat, in Paris! -

In 1998, working for the New York Baroque Ballet, he creates choreographies of " dance-fencing " during a workshop finalized by a baroque ballet in Napa/Californie.

2000: Fondation of the International Swordmaster Center in Switzerland


Number of years experience: 10+


Time Table of lessons:

Saturday 10th june

- warming up
- quaterstaff


- security
- bastard sword ; basic work on Liechtenauer
(four openings,basic fight positions, the three wounders, basic winden)
- first fights

In the evening: training and discussions.

Sunday 11th june

- warming up
- bastard sword ; basic work on Liechtenauer

13h30 - 16h30

- how to create a fight with long swords

16h30 - open end

- presentation et correction of the fights


Master Classes Fees
Euros 150,00 per weekend
(inc including Acommodation – 2 nights)

Euros 100,00 per weekend
(not including accommodation)

For more information and for registration please contact
Ernesto Paleani:

Orario lezioni


Sabato 10 giugno 2006

10.00 - 12 00 


- riscaldamento

- quaterstaff


13.30 - 17.30

- sicurezza

- spada bastarda; il lavoro di base su Liechtenauer (quattro aperture, le posizioni di base di lotta, i tre wounders, di base winden)

 - prima lotta


Nella sera: addestramento e discussioni.


Domenica 11 giugno 2006

10.00 - 12.00


- riscaldamento

- spada bastarda; lavoro di base su Liechtenauer 


13.30 - 16.30

- come creare un combattimento con le spade lunghe


16,30 - chiusura


-presentazione e correzione del combattimento

Quota iscrizione
Euro 150,00 per fine settimana
(incluso pernottamento - 2 notti)

Euro 100,00 per weekend
(senza pernottamento)

Per informazioi e iscrizione prego contattare
Ernesto Paleani: